Thursday, 21 August 2008

Why Bother...?

-Why bother with history? Well it's where you came from. If there were no history, there would be no you. There also wouldn't be IPODs, cars, computers and other amazing things.
History has your own blood in it. How? Well who knows. You might be the descendant of some great king who was an icon in history. I myself happen to be one of Richard the lionhearted's descendants.
History can also show us why we do certain things such as pig out. Back in the day a meal was hard to come by so we'd eat as much as possible when we could. Unfortunately we still do that even though we (most of the civilized world) have a wealth of food.

-Why bother with Geography? Well, due to our technology and ability to quickly travel between countries, you'd look pretty stupid if you didn't know where someone was from. Say you're instant messaging with someone from, say, Dubai U.A.E. If you knew you're geography you'd know that he's living in one of the richest cities in the world and live by the ocean. Another example. Say you're chatting with someone who just moved from China. You notice their pinkie nails are longer than the others. If you'd learned about China's culture in geography, you'd know his nails are longer because it's a Chinese sign of not having to do manual labor, therefore being better than others.

-Why bother with Language Arts? It's a dying art! With our texting society, teenagers who use correct grammar or at least try to is really rare. If you master this art, you'll be more accomplished in your life, and be able to communicate in your own unique way which you'll pick up the more you practice this art.

-Why bother with Literature? Because there's some amazing stories out there. If you love to read, then you might be interested in what Old England loved to read. As with all evolving things, if there was no literature, there'd be no Twilight or Harry Potter. In fact, if there wasn't any literature before it'd probably be the only thing to read nowadays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there was no literature there weren´t humans because is a part of our nature.
I have reading about the socratic thinking and I've been felt interested about the concept and maybe way of life.
Good luck with your block!