Thursday, 21 August 2008

A bit of my Work

I'm posting a piece from the very beginning of my book to see what you guys think. It's kind of like a poem I guess, but I'm not quite sure. Anyways, here it is.


They say that love is the best feeling in the whole world.
I still haven’t agreed with that yet.
I’m either crazy, or they’re wrong.
For the love I’m feeling is killing me.
I can’t sleep.
I can’t eat.
I feel agonizing pain when I’m away.
It’s driving me insane.
Her image constantly haunts me.
If this is love, then love is pain!

And still I want more.
I can’t imagine anything different.
I don’t want this feeling to stop.
If this is the price to pay for loving her, then I’d pay it a million times!
She’s beautiful. I can’t leave her. I’ve silently sworn to protect her.
Her pain is mine. Her joy is mine.
She has been forever fused to my heart.
I can’t leave her.

You’d think I’m crazy. Obsessed with a girl I just met.
You don’t have to fight for your air.
You don’t feel the pain of being away every day.
This is my fight. I don’t expect you to understand.
The moment I saw her, my heart was trapped, and it can’t let go.
She’s my pain.
She’s my joy.

She’s my Ecstasy.


Célie said...

OMG switch the "he's" to "she's" and so on and it's exactly my life! It freaked me out when I first read this becuase this describes my life so perfectly it's scary. . . and OH I think it's AMAZINGLY written and I really want to read the rest! Also, it's so weird because it totally goes with my song that I wrote this summer that was inspired by real events and such that I just barely posted on my blog! Geez! It's crazy!

Mackenzie said...

it really good! i like the descriptions and junk like that!