Sunday, 31 August 2008


I saw this video on YouTube and was shocked at what I saw! Obama isn't who he says he is! He can talk about change, he can rationalize about his decisions, but what he has done in the past is too horrific to save him now. Please watch this!


Christian Swenson said...

I wasn't able to finish this video because of slow internet, but I seem to recall that a certain person named John McCain (who was a POW in Vietnam, by the way) supports a certain method of torture called waterboarding. That's morals for you.

Célie said...

omg christian give it a break. you don't have to get mad or offensive at Alex for every truth he brings out about obama.

Mr. Dye said...


I can see we need to have a discussion during class about how to carry on a respectful conversation with people who have differing opinions.

Please consider the power of language, for good or for bad. Please use language to help us build a community in the classroom.

Mr. Dye

Alex said...

I look at it this way. Torture (which America hasn't used even though McCain's for it) or Murder of the innocent (which has happened thanks to Obama.

Jack Anderson said...

Alex, I understand why you have those opinions, but your sources are contrived and biased. You're operating on exaggerated information. While liberal sources are also inaccurate for their part, you're receiving propaganda without question.

Alex said...

I'm sorry Mr. President, but I don't belive just anyone who tells me something I belive in is propaganda. If you really want to convince me, elaborate.