Thursday, 11 September 2008

What do You Look for?

What do you look for in a book? Comedy? Action? Romance? Fantasy? Suspence? Mystery? Something else? What kind interests you? What kind's your favorite? What kind of things should the book have? What shouldn't it have? Does it matter if the endings happy or sad?

Personally, I love a book that has a mix of comedy, romance, action, and suspence.

I'd REALLY like to see what anyone's idea's are cause I'm writing a book and want to see what people like in a book.


1 comment:

Célie said...

I always read books with tons of romance in them. I know, I'm such a sap, but I'm proud of it. I love the way they make me feel and I love imagining myself in that situation and I can get great ideas from those kinds of books. I love the way they make me feel. Almost as if whatever is happening to the girl with the amazing romantic boyfriend is happening to me - and I love that because I'm technically not old enough to have those experiances so I just like to experience them in my head. They're my escape from normal everyday life. For this reason I read books like the Twilight serise over and over again because I just love them so much. But you probably already knew that.